اسم الكتاب



ركن هندسة الإنتاج والتصميم الميكانيكي

عن الكتاب

Mechanical engineering is the basis of scientific and technological progress, and the main production and technological processes are carried out by machines or automatic lines. In this regard, mechanical engineering plays a leading role among other industries.
The use of machine parts has been known since ancient times. Simple machine parts - metal rivets, primitive gears, bolts, cranks were known before Archimedes; Rope and belt drive transmissions, charging propellers, and hinged connections were used.
Leonardo da Vinci, considered the first researcher in the field of machine parts, invented gears with cross-axles, articulated chains and rolling bearings.
This book includes comprehensive information on the parts of machinery and equipment. This book consists of sixteen chapters, each chapter contains solved questions and unsolved questions. This book benefits students of engineering colleges and institutes, as well as everyone who works in the field of designing and operating various machines and equipment. The book is for the benefit of Mosul Technical Institute - Northern Technical University - Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research - Republic of Iraq.
We hope that this book will be an important reference for students and those working in the field of machinery and equipment.

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تاريخ الأضافة

2024-07-131:43 PM

نوع الملف

application / pdf

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